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Payment Options

To make Functional Medicine affordable and available to a larger patient population, we have the following options available:


Insurance-based Model:

Requires an annual membership of $2000 which will provide for up to 6 coaching sessions as well as the health coaches’ attendance at all office visits which are necessary to help you achieve your personal wellness goals.  With your membership, we will bill your insurance In-network for your visits throughout the year.*  You will have access to the doctor as necessary for your personal, individualized medical care.

* You will be responsible for your deductible and any co-pays as required by your insurance company.

EFFECTIVE 1/1/2024 – We will no longer be contracted with Medicare, Medicare Advantage or any affiliated Medicare contracts and all visits will be on a cash basis.

Optimal Wellness Package:
(Insurance will not be billed)

$3,199 which includes:

  • Initial visit lasting 1.5 – 2 hours with Mike Hutchins, MD and Anna Marie, FMCHC
  • 5 hours of follow-up sessions***
  • 6 health coaching sessions

Pay as you go:

In an effort to be as transparent as possible, the prices are listed below:

  • $800-1,000** for the Initial visit lasting 1.5 – 2 hours with Mike Hutchins, MD and Anna Marie, FMCHC
    ** Time spent preparing note for first visit will be billed as part of the visit.

What are the rates after the initial visit with Dr. Hutchins?

  • Follow up visits are $400 per hour***
  • $200 for 30 minutes***
  • $100 for 15 minutes***
  • Functional Medicine Health Coaching is $100 per visit.

*** Time is billed equally for in-person, telehealth, portal messages and phone follow-ups.