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Currently 1 in 9 Americans have diabetes and 1 in 3 have prediabetes.  We will concentrate on the root cause of insulin resistance, weight gain and the food cravings associated with diabetes and obesity.  The root of diabetes is the body’s resistance to insulin.  This starts at the level of the intestines and works through the adrenal axis, mitochondrial function and culminates in the brain developing a toxicity to glucose.  This toxicity leads to changes in mental function and brain fog and is a precursor for Alzheimer’s disease.  Insulin resistance works peripherally on your fat storage and liver function to preferentially cause fatty liver and obesity.  From a cardiovascular perspective, the inflammatory process from insulin resistance leads to hypertension, coronary artery disease, cholesterol and stroke.  All these issues can be addressed at one time to improve your wellness.  Diabetes can even be cured with food plans, medication, supplements, and the use of herbal preparations.

40% of the adult population is obese and 65% of population is overweight.  This is occurring even in children less than 5 years of age where now 10% are obese.  40 years ago, the National average showed that 10% of the adult population was obese and less than 1% of children under 5 years of age were obese.  This is a function of our societal stress, processed foods, change in our gut bacteria and insulin resistance.  The root cause of weight gain is insulin resistance and the types of food we eat.  We will work with you to develop a food plan that makes sense for your lifetime and not just for weight loss.  There are many proven ways to lose weight and certainly this can be achieved if you desire it.