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Digestive disorders affect millions of Americans every year, and for many, traditional medications simply do not work.

Gastrointestinal issues of IBS and IBD have traditionally been treated based on your symptoms.  The root causes of these issues are an abnormal gut microbiome, food sensitivities, an overzealous immune system with chronic inflammation and more.  Our treatment is aimed at finding these underlying issues and restoring balance.  This type of treatment can markedly diminish symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating and abdominal pain and decrease your risk of chronic disease.  All of this can be done without surgeries, harsh medication therapies such as steroids, biologicals, etc.  Our approach is treating the root cause and not just the symptoms as is done in traditional allopathic medicine.

Heartburn is another common problem. Most people are taking proton pump inhibitors such as Nexium or Prevacid or calcium preparations like Tums or Tagamet to prevent acid.  The reality is that 70% of people who think they have GERD actually have NERD (nonerosive reflux disease).  NERD is a motility issue with, ironically, not enough stomach acid.  Acid production decreases with age, and the lack of acid stops your lower esophageal sphincter from closing properly.  Conversely, this primary motility disorder can be helped with acid tablets and/or improvement of bile or pancreatic function.  Furthermore, this will stop the harm that is associated with PPIs and dysmotility.  Remember that blocking acid is counterintuitive.  Our bodies produce acid for a reason.

  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn