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Everything Is Connected: Functional Medicine

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Are you here because you or a family member have one or more chronic conditions, and you feel that traditional medicine has failed you?
Or perhaps conventional medicine has made you feel that what you are experiencing is all in your head. Or maybe the doctors you have seen are not really interested in listening or will only address one problem at a time instead of looking at the whole picture. Or, perhaps, you have been overloaded with prescription medications that do not help or are making things worse due to medication side-effects.

Most of us would welcome a new paradigm for health and healing, an alternative, holistic, personalized approach that looks at us as a whole, acknowledges that chronic illness develops over many years and that sometimes you have to dive deep into the past to find the clues and that we need to identify the root cause(s) rather than just putting band-aids on symptoms. A way to help harness the body’s ability to heal itself. You want back your health and vitality and a way to live free of pain, anxiety, depression, and disability.

Functional Medicine addresses chronic disease while looking at each of us as individuals. You, the patient, are at the center of this type of integrative
medicine approach and a patient-practitioner collaborative partnership is central to addressing and, in many cases, reversing the course of chronic disease. We practitioners are medical detectives focused on finding the root cause. In addition to your history, advanced diagnostics, genomics, microbiome, or other advanced testing is utilized to drill down and find your individualized root cause. A personalized plan is developed with you by us, a plan that is unique to you so you can work with us as a team to restore you back to health.

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2809 Great Northern Loop, Missoula, MT 59808, USA